Reburial in a Jewish Cemetery
Is Litigating In The Civil Court System A Rejection Of Torah Law?
By Charles B. Wagner, Gregory M. Sidlofsky and Rachael Kwan For lawyers who represent Orthodox Jews in litigious proceedings it is important to understand their worldview. It is a fundamental belief of Orthodox Judaism that G-d gave the Jewish people the Torah at Mount Sinai and that those holy laws govern every…
Advising The Orthodox Jewish Litigant
Jewish physicians’ freedom of conscience and religion and the Carter Case
Are Halachic Powers of Attorney for Personal Care Binding in Ontario?
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and Halachic Wills
Undue Influence in the Estate Context amongst Orthodox Jews – is Arbitration before a Beis Din a viable option?
Is disinheriting your child for marrying outside the faith contrary to public policy?
Is disinheriting Jewish?
Howard and Martha have two children, Sam and Laura. Sam is married to a Jewish woman; Laura is on the cusp of marrying a Christian man. Howard and Martha like Laura's fiancée, but are distraught about their family’s role in the continued existence of the Jewish people; they know that…