Estate Disputes & Prenuptial Agreements (2016)
Estate Disputes & Prenuptial Agreements (2016)
June 21, 2016 Seminar
Most people would be surprised to find out that the best prenuptial agreement in the world will not stop the surviving spouse from successfully suing the estate for support. This B’nai Brith Estates and Trusts CLE seminar, for lawyers and accountants reviewed this issue in a moot court setting.
When wealthy people marry, their lawyers often advise them to ensure that their fiancé signs a prenuptial agreement. The goal is to protect the wealthy person’s family in case, the marriage breaks up and/or the wealthy spouse dies. So, if the couple each hire good lawyers and the prenuptial contract clearly spells out their agreement, is that ‘pre-nup’ still open to challenge? That’s what was discussed at the seminar.
There were 150 attendees who enjoyed the event. Kudos to the sponsors and presenters. Thank you to Shaarei Shomayim for the beautiful venue and Menchens Glatt Kosher Catering. We are all looking forward to the event next year.