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We Pursue And Protect Our Clients’ Legal Rights

Our commercial litigation team has substantial and specialized experience pursuing and defending legal disputes that may concern businesses, individuals, land, debt collection, wrongful dismissal, injunctions, defamation and many others.

Significant Court Room, Trial and Appellate Experience.

Navigating commercial litigation disputes requires experienced and effective counsel. The challenges you need your lawyer to keep in hand are numerous and varied. They include the potential for spiraling costs, lengthy delays, mis-steps and others. Above all, you need a lawyer with sound judgment.

Leading our commercial litigation team is Gregory Sidlofsky, a Certified Specialist in Civil Litigation. Greg and our associates are regulars on the Commercial List and have significant court room, trial and appellate experience in complex and hard fought business disputes.

Types of Commercial Legal Issues We Handle

If you are interested in a consultation you may call us at 416-366-6743

or fill out the form below.

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We Deliver For Our Clients And Are Sensitive To Our Client’s Needs

  • we ensure good communication between lawyer and client
  • we keep costs under control
  • we pursue cases efficiently and in a time sensitive manner
Law Society of Upper Canada
Civil Litigation Specialist

Certified Specialist in Civil Litigation

Gregory M. Sidlofsky is an experienced litigation lawyer certified by the Law Society of Ontario as a Specialist in Civil Litigation. Greg aggressively and successfully advocates for his clients. He appears regularly before all levels of court in Ontario and before various administrative tribunals. Greg has also represented clients in proceedings before the Supreme Court of Canada.

Greg brings together courtroom intensity with experience, intellect and a thorough knowledge of the law. This combination has produced a highly regarded litigator who is respected by his peers, and is in demand by his clients.

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